I'm using FB 6 and i use FOR loop to get the latest revision number from subversion.
Most of the time (Randomly) i get the below error from Subversion Info action. I don't know how to fix this issue. Any idea?
Please find the below subversion Info error:
Failed to load Subversion output as XML:
Svn.exe failed with return code 0
(Vincent Parrett)
June 27, 2012, 7:06am
This suggests that the output from svn is invalid, that might be because it’s failed to get the info from the server and so the output is not valid xml. If you are seeing this regularly then try running an execute program action to just log the output, eg : Executable : C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\svn.exe Parameters : info --non-interactive --revision HEAD http://virtual-treeview.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ --xml You should see something like this : Output from C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\svn.exe [Code]http://virtual-treeview.googlecode.com/svn/trunk http://virtual-treeview.googlecode.com/svn 38df5cc4-5811-11de-992f-fdd7e25b9163xx@gmail.com 2012-06-20T16:18:39.891731Z[/Code]