Suppress Banner not in FB8

Today I upgraded my FB installation to version 8 from version 7 on my build server. I have integrated FB with my TFS Team builds (sepcifically the Gated type). I upgraded my FB build project from .fbp7 to .fbp8 and changed the build process template XAML in the Process section of my gated build definition and tried to start a new build.

After it got the files in the workspace, it quickly failed saying that the FBCMD.exe option of /B was not supported. I see that those are FBCMD.exe version 7 options and no longer v8 options, but where would this option be passed in? I see nothing in my FB buildscript that is giving the  /B option.  Is there something else I need to change so it doesn’t see this option?

Here is the log output:

Get Workspace


 FinalBuilder 8 - Copyright © 2011 VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd
 Professional Edition


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Unknown command line option : /B
Unknown command line option : /PD:\TFSBuilds\25\Archer\Gated-Main\FinalBuilder\ArcherGated_MAINwithUnitTests.fbp8
Required Option [] was not specified

Hi Jerrad,

It appears that the FinalBuilder 8 XAML workflow is picking up the FinalBuilder 7 binaries for workflow activities. Can you confirm that when installing FinalBuilder 8 you choose the option to install the TFS XAML binaries as well?

Also if you could confirm that your using the TFS2013/TFS2015 that will help greatly in diagnosing the issue. 

Hi Jerrad,

I have improved how the FinalBuilder XAML activities will set the parameters and look for the most recent installed version of FinalBuilder on the agents. Please install this release and let me know if things improve for you. They test correctly here with both FinalBuilder 7 and 8 installed on a TFS2015 system (TFS 2012 and 2013 work the same way).

Hi Jerrad,

Another thought I had was that the agent services need to be restarted after the installation of FinalBuilder. This is due to the activities being installed in the GAC which the agents don’t refresh until their next restart.

I am running TFS 2012 and I did install the 2012 templates during the FB8 install. I also restarted the server several times after my FB8 install and I noticed that the registry key for FB7 was still present under (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) although there was no key for FB8 that I could find.

One other question…Will FinalBuilder Server (version be able to initiate a FinalBuilder v8 project file given the fact that FinalBuilder v8 is installed on the same server?

Thanks for the help. I’ll install that new version as well and let you know.

Hi Jerrad,

The installation key should be located in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\VSoft\FinalBuilder\8.0 on 64-bit machines, or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VSoft\FinalBuilder\8.0 under 32-bit machines.

FinalBuilder Server has been replaced by Continua CI. With FinalBuilder Server no longer being supported it will not be getting updates to be able to run FinalBuilder 8 projects. 

Also I am interested to know if the new installation has solved the issue you were seeing?


Yes, the version you sent was applied and it appears to have solved the issue. Builds are now running again with my FB8 and TFS2012 configurations.

Wanted to let you know, that I just got this problem again after I upgraded to FB8_1520. I ran the latest installer as admin, and told it to install the TFS2015 XAML. After the build server installed the latest and was rebooted, my builds started to fail with the same error:

Overall Build Process

Update Build Number

Run On Agent (reserved build agent ENG-BUILD06 - Branches)

Delete Test Results Directory

Delete Binaries Directory

Delete Workspace

Delete Sources Directory

Create Workspace

Get Workspace
Shelveset Gated_2016-02-03_09.31.21.1711;ARCHERENG\kvakshteyn for request 25840 has been approved for check-in.


FinalBuilder 8 - Copyright © 2001-2015 VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd
Professional Edition

* Registered to : EMC
* Site Licence
* Serial No : FB800-0001-000853


Unknown command line option : /B
Unknown command line option : /PC:\CIBuilds\46\Archer\v6.1Branch\FinalBuilder\ArcherGated_v6.1Branch.fbp8
Required Option [] was not specified

I looked in the Registry where you mentioned the installation key should be under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\VSoft\FinalBuilder\ and saw that there was a 7.0 key along with an 8.0 key.

I think it is somehow still picking up the 7.0 key, so I removed that 7.0 key from the registry but the problem is still there when I try and run builds from my TFS team build.

Perhaps I need another build with what you did with FB8_977? Please advise. Thanks.

I found a way to fix this. I had to re-run the installer (1520) and select the TFS2012 XAML templates for install. After a build server reboot, it started working again. My assumption is that since I am still on TFS2012, I cannot select the TFS2015 templates until I am actually going to be on a TFS2015 server.

As I am upgrading my TFS server this weekend to 2015, I was hoping to get ahead of the ball by making sure the templates were already there on my build servers when I do switch over my TFS build defintions to use the 2015 templates. Apparently, I can’t install the FinalBuilder XAML templates ahead of time.

Hi Jerrad,

I have written up a blog post on a best practise for using third party tools with XAML builds in TFS.

Also another option would be to switch to our TFS\SO Build activity. This greatly simplifies the build process into a list of steps to perform.