I'm starting to work with continua. My problem is now that i have to work with two large svn-repositorys (3 - 6 GB), which are uploaded to my agent-cache. But everytime when I build a stage all data is copied from the agent-cache to agent-workspace and this takes too much time.
Is there a way to omit this copying from cache to workspace?
My idea was:
- checkout the repositorys on my agent.
- save the path to this repo in a system-variable.
- check on server with a propertycollector if this variable is set on my agent.
and on each build:
- cleanup the svn-repo on path of this system-variable.
- update svn-repo to needed revision.
- work on this local svn-repo instead of the workspace.
My questions are now:
- Can i do this whit continua?
- Or is there a options so that the agent works direcly on the cache and not on workspace?
- Is it a good solution or are there better ones?
- Where can i get the svn-version (e.g. which triggered the build) to which i have to update my repo on agent
sorry wrong forum - moved to ‘ContinuaCI’ forum
Thanks we will deal with it there.