We are having some problems with one of our builds that does not seems to copy files back to the server between stages.
It is working in other builds and we cannot see any discrepancies in the build set-up. Below is the log output from the failing sync.
As you can see the final action of the build stage is to copy all of the test .DLLs to the Output folder. The agent sync then logs the message ‘0 files found’. If we remote onto the build agent we can see that the files are indeed in the workspaces output folder, they are just not being synced. Very odd. Any hints?
#Server to agent rules
#copy output from previous stages to agent
/Output** > /
#Agent to server rules
#copy output from the agent to the server
/ < /Output**
11:05:15 [32mDone, without errors.[39m
11:05:15 Run DOS Command / Batch File action completed successfully. Exit code: 0
11:05:18 Copy [C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698\Source\soa-scheduling\tests]
11:05:18 Overwrite existing files: True
11:05:18 List each copied item: True
11:05:18 Fail if no files are copied: True
11:05:18 Pattern: .dll
11:05:18 Copied ‘C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698\Source\soa-scheduling\tests\Ahc.Blue.Scheduling.dll’ to 'C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698\Output\Tests\Ahc.Blue.Scheduling.dll’
11:05:18 Copied ‘C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698\Source\soa-scheduling\tests\Ahc.Blue.Scheduling.Test.dll’ to 'C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698\Output\Tests\Ahc.Blue.Scheduling.Test.dll’
11:05:18 Copied ‘C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698\Source\soa-scheduling\tests\nunit.framework.dll’ to 'C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698\Output\Tests\nunit.framework.dll’
11:05:18 Copy action completed successfully
11:05:18 Agent To Server Workspace Sync
11:05:18 Started syncing files from the agent to the server.
11:05:18 Workspace Syncing
11:05:18 Using UNC Transport.
11:05:18 / < /Output
11:05:18 0 files found.
11:05:18 __variables < __variables*
11:05:18 \CIMANAGER\ContinuaServerShare\Ws\soa-scheduling\5698__variables\CIMANAGER_Environment.xml < C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698__variables\SP-CIMANAGER_Environment.xml
11:05:18 \CIMANAGER\ContinuaServerShare\Ws\soa-scheduling\5698__variables\NETCI_Environment.xml < C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698__variables\NETCI_Environment.xml
11:05:18 \CIMANAGER\ContinuaServerShare\Ws\soa-scheduling\5698__variables\VariableNamespaces.xml < C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698__variables\VariableNamespaces.xml
11:05:18 Finished syncing files from the agent to the server.
11:05:37 Artifacts Registration
11:05:37 Started registering artifacts
11:05:37 Finished registering artifacts
11:06:55 Stage: Unit Test
11:07:02 Server To Agent Workspace Sync
11:07:02 Started syncing files from the server[CIManager] to the agent [CITest]
11:07:02 Workspace Syncing
11:07:02 Using UNC Transport.
11:07:02 /Output** > /
11:07:02 0 files found.
11:07:02 __variables* > __variables
11:07:02 \CIMANAGER\ContinuaServerShare\Ws\soa-scheduling\5698__variables\CIMANAGER_Environment.xml > C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698__variables\CIMANAGER_Environment.xml
11:07:02 \CIMANAGER\ContinuaServerShare\Ws\soa-scheduling\5698__variables\NETCI_Environment.xml > C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698__variables\NETCI_Environment.xml
11:07:02 \CIMANAGER\ContinuaServerShare\Ws\soa-scheduling\5698__variables\VariableNamespaces.xml > C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698__variables\VariableNamespaces.xml
11:07:02 Finished syncing files from the server [Sp-CIManager.adastra.co.uk] to the agent [SP-CITEST01].
11:07:15 Run unit tests
11:07:15 Action ‘Run unit tests’ has failed due to an error.
11:07:15 No testable files found. Check that you have entered valid paths for the Files field. Also ensure that the Workspace and Repository Rules are set up correctly to copy the files to the agent.
11:07:15 Agent To Server Workspace Sync
11:07:15 Started syncing files from the agent to the server.
11:07:15 Workspace Syncing
11:07:15 Using UNC Transport.
11:07:15 / < /Output**
11:07:15 0 files found.
11:07:15 __variables < __variables*
11:07:15 \CIMANAGER\ContinuaServerShare\Ws\soa-scheduling\5698__variables\CIMANAGER_Environment.xml < C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698__variables\CIMANAGER_Environment.xml
11:07:15 \CIMANAGER\ContinuaServerShare\Ws\soa-scheduling\5698__variables\CITEST_Environment.xml < C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698__variables\CITEST_Environment.xml
11:07:15 \CIMANAGER\ContinuaServerShare\Ws\soa-scheduling\5698__variables\NETCI_Environment.xml < C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698__variables\NETCI_Environment.xml
11:07:15 \CIMANAGER\ContinuaServerShare\Ws\soa-scheduling\5698__variables\VariableNamespaces.xml < C:\CI_WS\Ws\5698__variables\VariableNamespaces.xml
11:07:15 Finished syncing files from the agent to the server.
11:07:37 Artifacts Registration
11:07:37 Started registering artifacts
11:07:37 Finished registering artifacts
Hi Jason, thank you very much for posting. We have been unable to replicate this situation unfortunately, could we please gather some further information off you.
Would you please be able to send us a full build log (support@finalbuilder.com), also a debug run of the build in question: http://wiki.finalbuilder.com/display/continua/Debug+Logging. Also please confirm in your email the version of Continua you are using.
Thanks again for your time, it seems strange that it works on some builds but not others
We have fixed the problem… but it has only raised more questions.
We attempted to start from scratch with a build, to see if it was something we had done wrong, but the problem persisted. So we went back to the documentation and followed that rather than the defaults for a new project.
The ‘repository rules’ section had different examples.
#Server to agent rules
#copy output from previous stages to agent
/Output** > /
#Agent to server rules
#copy output from the agent to the server
Output\ < Output** <-- This line has changed from the default
This has fixed the problem, but some of our older projects still work with the old format for the copy expression. However all new projects we create need to have the default (seen in previous post) swapped out for this one.
I will see if I can get hold of some logs.
Hi Jason thank you for the further information, could I please confirm which version you are using?
We have recently resolved a number of inconsistencies with forward and back slashes in the rules area (, release log: https://www.finalbuilder.com/downloads/continuaci/continuaci-version-history).
We are running 3158… so maybe it is this.
Hi Jason, it would be good if you could try the new version. Also could you please send a full build log (with debugging on) to support@finalbuilder.com.