the action "Team Foundation Check In Pending Changes" always fails when there are no changes, independently of the state of the "Checkin Option - Fail if there are no changes to check in" Checkbox.
Here the log (in german and file and path modified):
Team Foundation Check In Pending Changes [ S:\XXXX\XXXX ] Status: Error Date: 13.09.2011 Time: 16:20:09:110 End: 16:20:10:579 Duration: 00:00:01:469
Action Messages: Execute Condition (VBScript) Condition : SS_TYPE="TFS" Condition evaluated to True Path to Executable: C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\TF.exe Workspace Directory: S:\XXXX\XXXX\ Command line: checkin /noprompt "ABC.vbp" "ABC.res" Einchecken von bearbeiten: ABC.res Einchecken von bearbeiten: ABC.VBP
Die folgenden ─nderungen wurden nicht eingecheckt, da die Elemente nicht geõndert wurden. bearbeiten wird r³ckgõngig gemacht: S:\XXXX\XXXX\ABC.res bearbeiten wird r³ckgõngig gemacht: S:\XXXX\XXXX\ABC.VBP
Es sind keine weiteren ─nderungen zum Einchecken vorhanden. Failed!
Hi Stephen, It looks like the output from tf.exe changed at some point w.r.t no changes being checked in. I’ve just updated the code and the fixed version is building now. Once it’s done I’ll post a link to it.
Hi Nick, I just tested with 1561 and it seems to work as expected: [code]Path to Executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exeWorkspace Directory: C:\Builds2\1\FBWorkflow\SimpleLibrary - FB7\SourcesCommand line: checkin /noprompt /recursiveThere are no pending changes.Done. [/code]
Can you re-check the version, and send me the log output you’re seeing?
Path to Executable: C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\TF.exe Command line: checkin /noprompt "AssemblyInfo.vb" Einchecken von bearbeiten: AssemblyInfo.vb Die folgenden Änderungen wurden nicht eingecheckt, da die Elemente nicht geõndert wurden. bearbeiten wird rückgängig gemacht: \My Project\AssemblyInfo.vb Es sind keine weiteren Änderungen zum Einchecken vorhanden. Failed!
i have one private workspace for using for development in Visual Studio as well for using in Finalbuilder and i don't want create a new workspace for the Finalbuilder run.
I use the following actions in this order:
1. Team Foundation Get (Working Folder - Use Folder:= PathToVsSolutionFile and "Get all files in working folder")
2. Team Fundation Check Out (Working Folder - Use Folder:= "PathToVsSolutionFile\My Project" and File to Check Out := AssemblyInfo.vb
3. Sometimes i modify some properties in the AssemblyInfo.vb, e.g. the version number
4. Team Foundation Check In Pending Changes (Working Folder - Use Folder:= "PathToVsSolutionFile\My Project" and File to Check In := AssemblyInfo.vb and
This checkin fails if there is no modification on the AssemblyInfo.vb. I there is a modification, all my actions run without any problems.
OK, that’s interesting. From what you’ve said it sounds like you have the working folder set in the Check In action, but it isn’t being put on the command line. I can’t reproduce that here.
Would you mind sending your Finalbuilder project to support at I think there must be something I’m missing.