Test automation step using MSTest during build process


We are already using FinalBuilder to trigger builds on daily basis or on demand on our build machine for existing projects. Now there is a requirement to introduce a new step using FinalBuilder to execute automated tests using MSTest on a separate machine other than build machine, so that daily build can be marked as green or red based on the results of these automated tests. 

Please provide me some sample with small C# project, so that I can try myself.


Hi Developer,

The MsTest action is fairly easy to use. After the test binaries are built you can pass the files to the action and it will run MsTest against the test binaries that have been built.

For further information on this you can refer to the help located at:


With regards to a test project we suggest creating a simple C# project using MsTest. In the FinalBuilder project this would be built using VS.Net Build, and the binaries could be run against MsTest.