TFS 2013 build process template. Please make properties browsable


When queuing a new build those parameters that have been marked as Browsable can be changed for each build.

All the sub-properties of the "Agent settings" property are already marked as Browsable, but the actual "Agent settings" property is not, causing none of them to be displayed.

The following change needs to be made:


Hi Lars,

Thanks for the heaps up about this. I will make the changes locally and see if there is anything else I need to consider with this change. Off the top of my head I can’t see any. I will let you know when the update has been made.

Hi Lars,

I have made this update and it will be present in the next release of FinalBuilder. The change was made to both the Agent Properties and the Custom Arguments properties in both the FB and FBOnly templates.


is it possible for members of this Support Forum to message each other?

I would like to reach out to Lars, if I could, to ask about using FinalBuilder with TFS2013.

If not, I would appreciate Lars reaching out to me on LinkedIn.

David Stiff

We did have private messaging on the site a few years back, unfortunately spammers found a way to misuse it, so we took it off. I will contact Lars and give him your email address.

BTW, Jason is still working on improving the TFS 2013 template, having lots of issues trying to debug the activities though (tfs error messages need a degree in TFS to understand, and remote debugging just doesn’t work).

Thanks a lot Jason