is there any plan to update the TFS actions to include a way to pass a PAT token? we have found that we can use Node,js and TFX-cli to cache the PAT bot this is not idea.
also you may want to provide new set that uses REST api so we are not dependent on having the TFS API DLLs on the server.
The TFS api situation is all a bit of a mess now, with differences between on premise and cloud etc. It’s very difficult to tell which version they are referencing, we find contradictorary pages etc. It’s a source of great frustration for us.
We will need to evaluate what is needed again. We have noticed (in our support interactions) that many customers are not using the source control actions (not just tfs, others too) as their finalbuilder projects are in source control and are usually triggered via a CI server or from within a vcs workspace folder. With TFS, the move is aways from their old version control to git, so it’s likely that is where we will focus.
PAT’s are only applicable to TFS2017 (on premise) or VSTS (cloud).