Thread aborted running doxygen from powershell


I execute several powershell scripts on-commit and most of them work fine. However, when we try to run doxygen to generate python documentation (through a powershell script) we get the error:
An unexpected error occurred while handling log message line ‘Freeing entry tree’. Error message is: Thread was being aborted. 
Or something like: 
An unexpected error occurred while handling log message line ‘Determining the scope of groups…’. Error message is: Thread was being aborted. 
The error changes each commit, but the message is always “Thread was being aborted”. 
Doxygen gets a decent way through execution, so we don’t think this is a path issue. 

We’ve manually tested that the script is being called properly and it works as desired both locally and remotely (as the build-agent user). 

We also verified that if we run the cmd that final builder uses from cmd ( C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe  Arguments: -NonInteractive -Command try { [string]$pathToScript PATH_TO_SCRIPT.ps1 -Arguments) and this command works fine. It’s only when the agent tries to run these commands that we see the error above. 

Our best guess is there is a timeout set that we don’t know about. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. 


Hi Joe,

Thanks for contacting us. I think we would need to have a look at the failing logs (exported html logs are fine) and your FinalBuilder project. If you could send these to that would be great.

In addition we were wondering how FinalBuilder is being run. Is it being run from a scheduled task, manually, or from Continua CI?