Timestamps for Command-Line-Logging, please!

Disclaimer: Still on FB6, so if anything changed in FB7 ...


I run all our Finalbuilder-Scripts via Jenkins + FBCMD on the Build-Server. (FB Server sadly doesn't cut it.)

I run the scripts with /TL (for concurrency), so I "only" get console output in the Jenkins logs. This has one major drawback: I don't have timings for the actions -- the exported build-log includes timings for all actions, so I can track down delay issues etc., but with the console logging, there's no timings at all (except for the overall run-time at the very end of the console log.)

It would be really great if you simply could include the current timestamp prior to the action description like: "2012-04-30 01:02:03 [Description]" instead of just "[Description]".

I think this would be a very simple change (or option) and would be tremendously helpful and would spare me to export a html logfile at the end of each build script.

Any chance to see this soon?

It’s not something we’ll be adding to FB6 (bug fixes only) and probably not for FB7, but we are looking at reworking the logging for FB8 to better support our new CI server product. Sorry I can’t give any timeframe right now.

Ah. A shame. (I didn’t expect anything in FB6 - can upgrade anytime as soon as I actually need it.)

Would there be any workaround via Scripting? (not sure, I guess I’d have to add it to each action in it’s script section?)