This would be a fairly major change, I think. I’m used to the way a vaguely similar product that I used to work on behaved, so I guess I’m missing that…anyway:
It doesn’t seem obvious to me how to answer the question: "What was the output of step X in the last 1/2/100 runs?"
For the last run, you can find it out by locating the corresponding step on the Build Log tab. But it’s not always easy to find. Why not make it available on a tab on the action window itself?
For previous runs, you presumably have to resort to exporting the log each time, or something even more complicated? (could be wrong…)
The way this other product (not really a build tool, but had similarities) worked was to have a “History” tab on every action window, showing you the complete history of that action - when it had been run, as part of what build, the result of the run, and the output.
I’m writing nightly build scripts that need to have a similiar functionality. What I plan to do is to export the log to xml, then use an XSLT to pick out the info that I want, then put that info into table(s) in a database. Once that is done, it should be pretty easy to use database queries to generate history/trend reports.
great suggestion
Hi Steve,
You’re probably already aware of this, but one thing you can do is right-click on an action and choose “Filter log by action”. By using this and the Build History frame to change which log you’re viewing, you can work your way back through prior runs of an action.
Showing them all in one place is a great suggestion though, thanks.
- Angus