We are just looking into the Autowise product and have only scratched the surface. When you need to uninstall an appplication, and Autowise asks for the Product Name, is it looking for the exe or the registered Windows name? Nothing we have tried for uninstall is working but I'm certian we are not doing something correctly.
Hi Frank,
The ‘Application Name’ can be found by looking in the Add/Remove Programs control panel applet, if you have the original installation executable then you can use that instead of specifying the name.
I’d really like to know what, specifically is being called when you uninstall via “Application Name”. I did specify the Application Name EXACTLY how it appears in the control panel Add/Remove Programs applet, but still no luck…I receive application could not be found. Does it require an msi file to uninstall? This one in particular (Norton Antivirus 2006) does not have an msi uninstaller. Could that be the reason this is not working?
Hi Jason,
The ‘Windows Installer’ actions use the Win32_Product class of WMI, which means that the product you’re trying to install/uninstall must be using Windows Installer when it’s installed. To view a list of all products on your machine that have been installed by Windows Installer add a ‘Run Script’ action to Automise and on the ‘OnExecute’ script event add the following script:
strComputer = “.”
Set objWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts:” & _
“{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\” & _
strComputer & _
Set colSoftware = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
(“SELECT * FROM Win32_Product”)
For Each objSoftware in colSoftware
Action.SendLogMessage objSoftware.Name, stInformation
thanks Paul, that is very helpful