"Use settings from project file" vs. referenced .optset's

I'm currently setting up my second FinalBuilder project. There are a number of BPLs, DLLs and one EXE to build. When I build this from the IDE (Delphi XE), I use the (relatively) new .optset-files extensively to centralize compiler/linker settings shared between multiple projects. There are essentially three optset-files associated with most projects: one each for base, debug and release configurations. I added these using the "Add as reference" option so that changes I make to the optset-files will automatically apply to all projects that reference them.

In order to avoid duplication and errors, when I set up the compile actions in FinalBuilder I checked the option to "Load settings from project File", which as far as I understood is supposed to pull all the specified settings from the appropriate .dproj-file. However, in my case the .dproj's hardly contain any settings at all because those are all factored out to the referenced optset-files. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell at the moment FinalBuilder does not follow those references and thus simply leaves most settings at their defaults.

Am I interpreting this correctly? Is this behaviour by design or can I expect this to be "fixed" in an update?

What would be the "FB-native" approach to centralizing compiler/linker settings across multiple projects?



Hi Oliver

We don’t currently have support for option sets, they are quite complex to support, they way they are implemented does make it quite difficult to get right. We have enough trouble with just getting the settings from the dproj, the format of which changes subtly (but enough to make life difficult) with every release of delphi.

Handling option sets is on the todo list but I can’t say exactly when that will happen, however I will endeavour to get it done as soon as we can.
I can’t offer you a once size fits all solution to setting compiler/linker options, the needs of each project may be different. In my experience, most users only modfiy a few settings and otherwise go with the defaults as defined by delphi.

Is this feature available in the latest FB?