User name and password missing for Final Builder portal

Dear Team,

We tried to change the uername and password of final builder and now not able to login at Final Builder Web portal. Could you suggest How we can recover it?

The default user name and password was admin , admin and it's not working now.


Vinod Soni 

I added a username which was pointing to active directory. When I am trying to reset password it’s showing me error message - “Cannot send password reminders to users who are authenticated using Active Directory (LDAP)”.

I tired to run this command at DOS prompt and it’s not working and showing error like FinalBuilderServer.Management.Service.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file.

Dear Team,

I tried the command (FinalBuilderServer.Management.Service.exe -recover [username])  as  you suggested. I am getting following error.

F:\Program Files (x86)\FinalBuilder Server 7>FinalBuilderServer.Management.Servi
ce.exe -recover PBMBuildService
FinalBuilder Server Management Service Recovery Console

Will reset password and assign full Administrator privileges for user "PBMBuildS

Please enter a new password for user "PBMBuildService" and press return:

Failed to reset user PBMBuildService:
Passwords can only be set on users that use the standard authentication method
   at VSoftTechnologies.FinalBuilderServer.Management.Users.XmlUserProvider.SetP
assword(String username, String password)
   at VSoftTechnologies.FinalBuilderServer.Management.ManagementEngine.ResetUser
(String username, String password)
   at VSoftTechnologies.FinalBuilderServer.Management.Service.ManagementServiceM
ain.RecoverUser(String[] args)

Note: Previously we were working with default user 'Admin' and password 'Admin' and it was set to active, later we created the user PBMBuildService using Manage User section and PBMBuildService account is active directory user. We made this user active and after the creation of user PBMBuildService we are unable to login at FB Web portal. We are using the right password to login at portal.

Kindly do needful to get login into the FB web portal back, Few projects build are scheduled and need to verify the status every day.


Vinod Soni


Hi Vinod,

You will most likely find that the user type is incorrectly set. Located in %PROGRAMDATA%\VSoft\FBServer7 you will find a configuration file called FBUsers.xml.

Before editing this file stop the FinalBuilderServer.Management.Service.exe service. Then open the file and locate the entry for the user in question. You will find something like the following:

[code]<User xsi:type="StandardUser">[/code]

However it may have a different value for the user in question. Therefore change it to be standard, also make sure that the following are set.

[code] <Method>Standard</Method>[/code]

Save the file and then restart the service and try the reset of the password.

Dear VSoft Team,

The given solution is working for me and I am able to reset the password. I would like to say thank you on behalf of our configuration management team for your support.

Vinod Soni