Dear Team,
The Smoke Test Script is not working for us at Final Builder Web Portal. The Smoke Test Scripts are written by us in VB script to ensure that the application has been successfully deployed and accessible to end users. The Smoke Test Script written in VB just calling the landing page of the application. We are passing the user credentials with the request.
We are calling VB Script in Final Builder just after deploying the application in target enviroment with help of Run Script action.
This script working fine for us with Final Builder Client tool but not at Final Builder Web portal. We are expecting that after the deployment it open a new winodow in internet explorer and shows the landing page of application.
A sample of VB script is as follows
' Setting of Hss site, enviroment and application url.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enviroment = "TEST"
naviagtehss = ""
navigateapp = ""
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Popup a dialog and prompt for a password
strUsername = "XYZUSER"
strPassword = "w$&hfg@#"
' Open to authenticate user.
SET oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
with oIE
.navigate naviagtehss
Do while oIE.Busy
Wscript.Sleep 20
wscript.Sleep 20
On Error Resume Next
.document.all("txtUserid").value = strUsername
.document.all("txtPassword").value = strPassword
Do while oIE.Busy
wscript.Sleep 20
wscript.Sleep 20
End with
' Open application after authenticate at
SET oIE1 = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
with oIE1
.navigate navigateapp
End with
We are using Final Builder 7.0 at Windows Server 2008 R2 enterprise. Kindly let us know if you require any other information regarding the same.
Vinod Soni