I'm evaluating Automise to streamline the distribution of our inhouse software to a bunch of Citrix servers. I'm trying to check if the source server is online before the script copies the files. For this i use the 'Wait For Remote Computer' action. But no matter what i try i can't get it to work.
I've started a new script which just the wait action and i'm trying to ping my localhost but it doesn't work.
My environment:
- Fresh Windows XP SP2 installation within a VMware Workstation session - Firewall inactive - Automise (installed today)
- Ping is working from the commandline - User is local administrator
hmmm, not sure why this isn’t working (works for me! )
try using the Execute Program action and calling ping.exe from there and see if that makes any difference (as internally, that’s how the action does the ping).
Is you running a non-English Windows? The exit codes from ping are ambiguous so Automise actually runs "ping -n 1 -w " and then scans the output for the string “Received = 1” which implies that the ICMP echo reply was received.
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\administrator>ping -n 1
Ping wird ausgeführt für mit 32 Bytes Daten:
Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=28ms TTL=64
Ping-Statistik für Pakete: Gesendet = 1, Empfangen = 1, Verloren = 0 (0% Verlust), Ca. Zeitangaben in Millisek.: Minimum = 28ms, Maximum = 28ms, Mittelwert = 28ms
Is it possible to integrate german response messages into Automise / Finalbuilder? If you provide me with a list of commands i would be happy to create a corresponding list of output messages.
Thanks for that. I’ve fixed the code so that it looks for the %'s of lost packets and nothing language specific (it actually looks for “100%” - hopefully this is not localised!)
We English speaking developers have a lot to answer for.
“Wait For Network Share” is also parsing the output of a Windows sytem command (net.exe). We’ll look into changing the code so it does not need to call out to a command line
If you send me the command line, i will post the results of the call on a german windows.
If you send me a list of windows commands you call in any action i would be happy to prepare a list with the corresponding outputs on a german windows. If you want to contact me via mail you can reach me under kh (at) khoffrath dot de.
Thanks for your offer, but there are very few places where we do this. When calling external programs, there is usually an exit code that you can use to determine status.
I’m currently testing a fix for Wait For Remote Computer which uses the Win32 Networks API to do the same thing as calling net.exe. I’ll let you know when it’s available as a test build.