I have about 30 different build configurations associated with 30 different versions of our software. I would like to try to refactor our build configuration to use one or maybe two build configurations which read some configuration properties from an external file. Is this possible in FinalBuilder? I thought I might approach it by creating those properties in a powershell script which is then called in by FinalBuilder but thought I would check here to see what the best practice might be.
To be more specific. We have both FB 7 and FB 8 installs I have to work on.
The way we perform this internally to build FinalBuilder itself is to have a configuration file (xml format) that defines any extra details about the projects to be built. We use the XML node iterator action to loop through each configuration, and build them in turn. The values extracted from the XML configuration would then go to updating the compiler actions for the specific project (MSBuild, or Delphi Compiler).
Another key part here is the use of targets / action lists to break up the specific steps in your build process. This means you could have a target / action list that takes in all the parameters which could change for a build. This means that each iteration you would then simply call this target / action list.