What could be the cause of DUnitX action result "An error occurred whilst attempting to run DUnitX Action. Exit code: 255. Error text: ."

1. Continua version number and edition: 
Continua - 64 bit

2. Operating system for Continua and agents:
Windows 8.1 Pro x64 (both server and agents)

3. Database platform:
bundled PostgreSQL

4. How much CPU / RAM / Diskspace do you have free on the Continua server, agents, and database:  
80% free CPU (dual Xeon VM), 25% free RAM (of 2 gigabyte), 20% free hard disk (of 160 gigabyte)  

5. A detailed description of the issue: 
- What is the issue, and what are the outcomes? See below
- When did the issue first occur? When switching to FastMM4 FullDebugMode.
- Does it occur all the time? Yes
- Can the issue be reproduced?  Yes: in both and
- If you are using version 1.5 or greater please include a diagnostics report. See attachment.
- Errors or Warnings generated by Continua (both server and agent) as well as any Windows event logs. Continua info below; no details in the Windows event logs.
- Browser type and version: Version 39.0.2171.95 (64-bit)
Version and installation details of any external software dependencies (eg git / svn server configuration details): not needed.
- Relevant configuration file settings: eg Authentication settings. Vincent has them.

I’m running  on Windows 8.1 x64 (all updates applied) with a non-interarcive service user for both the server and the agent on a single machine.

Vincent has credentials on the machine, but Guest users can view the results.

There is a DUnitX build action which returns an error 255; see the results at…ds/log/770 :

DUnitX [%NUnitTestBinaryDirectory%%NUnitTestBinaryFileName%.exe] 6:29 PM 6:29 PM 4 seconds Failure
Working Directory: C:\ContinuaCI\WorkSpace\Ws\764\Source\spring4djwp\Tests\Bin\Delphi2010\Win32\Debug
Executable: C:\ContinuaCI\WorkSpace\Ws\764\Source\spring4djwp\Tests\Bin\Delphi2010\Win32\Debug\Spring.Tests.exe
Arguments: C:\ContinuaCI\WorkSpace\Ws\764\Output\Tests\Delphi2010\Win32\Debug\Spring.Tests.Reports.xml
Environment Variables
No environment variables specified
An error occurred whilst attempting to run DUnitX Action. Exit code: 255. Error text: .
The tests are built with FastMM4 (from SVN).

When I download the artefacts from this build, I can run the tests from the console just fine:…0385330837 just download Spring.Tests.7z, unpack to %temp% and run the Spring.Tests.exe: works fine.

How can I track down the cause of this 255 error?

–jeroen__33126__0__ContinuaCI-diagnostics-report-2015-01-04_16-26-54.zip (101.648 KB)

Found it.
Somehow my other user had this DLL on the path:

- FastMM_FullDebugMode.dllFastMM FullDebugMode Support DLLPSD / Pierre le RicheC:\Users\Developer\Copy\bin\FastMM_FullDebugMode.dll

Copying that into the directory of Spring.Tests.exe solves the issue.

It would be nice if Continua CI can generate a more descriptive error, though that might be hard.

Thre’s nothing we can do if the process doesn’t write the error out to stderror or stdout. I suspect the exit code 255 is a delphi runtime error but I couldn’t find anything which indicates the exact error.

In the end I did find it back in the Application event log:

[code]Faulting application name: Spring.Tests.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x54a959baFaulting module name: FastMM_FullDebugMode.dll, version: 6.3.9600.17476, time stamp: 0x54516af9Exception code: 0xc0000135Fault offset: 0x000a36e5Faulting process id: 0x1214Faulting application start time: 0x01d02831b4bfe18aFaulting application path: C:\ContinuaCI\WorkSpace\Ws\770\Source\spring4djwp\Tests\Bin\Delphi2010\Win32\Debug\Spring.Tests.exeFaulting module path: FastMM_FullDebugMode.dllReport Id: f2aa6a74-9424-11e4-8284-000c29918645Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID: [/code]

I think ContinuaCI could monitor that and react upon it.

For my own reference: https://plus.google.com/+JeroenPluimers/posts/byHJaGopwgH