When importing NUnit tests all files except the first appear to be counted twice for the unit test overview


we have been restructuring our unit tests and noticed that when we import more than one .xml file as a NUnit report the information from all but the first one is counted twice when looking at the unit test overview.

I have attached some of the xml files in question and added screenshots for clarification. Both files contain 13 tests while the second one also has 2 failures. Continua shows a total of 4 failures even though it correctly displays only 2 in the list.

Is this a known problem or could this be caused by errors in the generated xml files?



Reports.zip (6.39 KB)

Some additional information:
We are seeing this behavior on Continua and on


Thanks for reporting this. We were able to replicate this today and eventually find the cause. We’ll get an update out to you tomorrow.


You can download a new version with a fix using the following links:

[outdated links removed]

I just tested again with the latest build and I can confirm that the numbers are now correct.
