Using Finalbuilder to copy files with action "Copy files (s)" from server A (win2008 R2 SP1) to server B (win2008 R2 SP1) via UNC, Finalbuilder will ignore Win32 Error - Access denied.
No special way to reproduce this, but eg. to copy files to any IIS site while the application pool is running COULD cause an win32 error access denied. The problem is Finalbuilder will ignore this and just continue.
Copy files dialog:
Source c:\somepath\*.*
Destination \\someshare\somefolder
Override existing files and overwrite read-only files
Destination is a dir -Check
Force dir -Check
Recurse -Check
Log files -Check
The action has no script or condition and of cause NOT Ignore failure.
A workarround is just to stop IIS before copy and start again after, but that isn't really the point. Finalbuilder should not continue on a Win32 Error like nothing has happend. Another fix is just to add a Monitor on the action and fail the build if log contains win32 error.
[Copy File(s) [ d:\YYY\*.* -> \\XXX\ ]]
Failed to copy File : d:\YYY\somefile.xml-> \\XXX\somefile.xml
Win32 Error : Access is denied
xxx files copied